September 21, 2017

My Favourite Poet

My Favourite Poet

English Essay on "My Favourite Poet"

A poet loses his regional identity and becomes international when his poetry sings of universal truth, represents some international problems or his pictures in words capture some eternal beauty of nature. Urdu has produced a few poets of such caliber who are in no way inferior to Shakespear Milton, Dante, Firdausi, Keats or other poets of international fame. In Urdu Mir, Ghalib, lqbal and Anees are the poets who can be compared to any poet, the world has produced so far but I like Anees for his music, his magic of words, his pictures and his psychological treatment of different sent aments; instincts, thought and situation.
The first quality of Anees’s poetry is his music. ”Music soft and sweet, like that of the evening breeze walled from the sleeping seas and playing hide and seek in the drooping trees”. According to Dr Zoar, he mingles the music of thoughts with the music of words to charm his readers. In his poetry there is a flow. Words flow like a running brook in his poetry and enchants the reader.

September 15, 2017

Charms of Living in a Country

Charms of Living in a Country

English Essay on "Charms of Living in a Country"

The country life has charms of its own. Those living in the hurly burly and noises of a city cannot imagine how peaceful and serene the country life is. There is peace all around except the caws of crows, no harsh sound is heard. This gives peace of mind and saves a man from the irreparable damages caused by noises to hearing, nerves and mind.
Life in a country is pleasant. We breathe in pure air. The pure air is beneficial to health. It is not polluted with the smoke emitted by buses, wagons, taxis and other automobiles. There are no mills and factories and workshops to pollute the air with smoke and small particles of carbon. These particles and the smoke cause cancer and other diseases of lungs and eyes. One living in a country is not open to these hazards.
Life in a country is simple. People eat simple food and lead a simple life. They do not have to spend their money on gaudy things of a sets, cars and other luxuries, Women and girls are not mad after articles of make up. Their beauty is independent of make up and is original. Make up is a way of telling a lie and presenting a false feature. They do not resort to make up.

August 26, 2017

Unemployment in Pakistan

Unemployment in Pakistan

English Essay on "Unemployment in Pakistan"

Unemployment is a problem which has hit every country but is very acute in Pakistan. In every house in Pakistan one will find one or more graduates who are unemployed. The problem is more acute in Karachi, Hyderabad and cities like Lahore for various reasons.
The first reason for unemployment is that the birth rate is far more than needed and it out runs the rate of economic development. The greater efforts of the government towards family planning have failed due to lack of intensive drive opposition of Mullas, and the belief of the people that God, who feeds the children in wombs will also feed them after birth. In fact, things have not been done so far to let Islam meet the challenges of the modern world. Our present educational system is also responsible for the present state of un-employment.
It produces only clerks who seek white collar Jobs and to provide such jobs in such a member is impossible. In our educational system higher education is available to every man irrespective of his aptitude. Vocational education is not given to the students. The technical colleges and schools are not producing engineers and technician of any worth. There students are not given extensive practical training in various engineering units and commercial workshops.

July 17, 2017

An Evening at a Beach

An Evening at a Beach

English Essay on "An Evening at a Beach"

During my stay at Karachi, I had an occasion to go to Clifton, one evening. Clifton is one of the places of Karachi where thousand of pleasure loving people go daily and enjoy. He who does not have a car of his own, catches a Clifton bound bus at Saddar.
Clifton presents the scene of a great Lahore Meta every evening. A multitude, comprising of males and females of all ages gather at the beach. They talk, gossip or laugh. Children run, chase each other and enjoy. Hawkers and Theta walas sell Beetles, cigarettes, chats, mineral water, tea, other eatable things, balloons and other articles.
A wall has been constructed along the beach to keep sea water away from the beach. People sit on the wall and watch the waves coming and breaking at the wall. Camels and horses are brought by local residents. Children and even grown up boys and girls sit on them and enjoy short trips along the beach on them. Groups of people stroll along the beach talking, smiling or laughing.

July 14, 2017

The Football Game

The Football Game

English Essay on "The Football Game"

Football is one of the most popular games. It is played in more than a hundred countries and regional, national and international tournaments are held. It is of two kinds. One which is played with feet is called soccer and the other which is played with hands as well as feet is called Rugby.
Soccer is played n a rectangular field 130 yards long and 100 yards broad. In the center a halt line is drawn across the breadth parallel to the goal line and a circle of 10 yards diameter is drawn in the center. A penalty area 44 yards long and 18 yards broad is drawn in front of each goal and within each penalty area, goal area 20 yards tong and 6 yards broad is marked. The two goal posts, at each end, have a bar across them feet high from the ground. The ball is made of either with a rubber bladder inside which is inflated with air. The circumference of the inflated is 27.28 inches and it weighs 14-16 oz. The duration of the game is 90 minutes with an interval of 5 minutes at halftime.
The game is played between two teams comprising of 11 players. Each team consists of a goal keeper. The object of the game is to score goals by kicking or heading the ball into the opponent’s goal but the ball must be kicked or headed from a place within the hall of the defending team.

July 08, 2017

The Holy Gathas

The Holy Gathas

English Essay on "The Holy Gathas"

The Holy Gathas comprises of the teachings of Zara thustra , the prophet of Persia, who lived more than 1500 years ago before Christ according to Sir Jivanji Jamshedji Mody. The Gathas forms 17 out of 72 chapters of Yasjashne prayers. The language of the holy script is much closer to the language of Rig Vida. In his book. The verities of Religious Experience’ William James writes that “The Gathas are not only to be read and studied but to be lived and one who lives upon to the teachings, will find his life worth, living, and make a success of it.” Before reading a Gatha or hymn, a devotee must read a Khshnumam and another Khshnuman at the end of the Gatha.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica the hymns or Gathas contains not merely all forms of outward opposition and the unbelief and the luke warmness of adherent met by the great ZOROASTER hut also the inward misgivings of his own heart as to the truth and final victory of his cause.

July 06, 2017

Good Health is a Blessing

Good Health is a Blessing

English Essay on "Good Health is a Blessing"

We always hear health is wealth but never try and think what is health. Health is not the state of being fatly, fleshy, weighty or plump. It is the state of bin physically and mentally well and having the ability to work and labour to the utmost.
Those who are plump, too heavy and too weighty are suffering from obesity. Obesity is a handicap and a disease. It restricts prompt movement. It brings many ailments. The particles of fats circuiting with the blood block the coronary arteries and cause sudden death. A fat man is always prone to have diabetes, fatty, liver, fatty heart or hypertension.
Au unhealthy man is unable to work and it is work that brings joys in life. Always lying in bed makes life dull, monotonous and un-interesting. Such a man lives at the mercy of others. Ills in-activity keeps him devoid of the real pleasure the pleasure of work and an active life. I have seen gloomy and unfortunate persons who yearn for moving a little distance only but this pleasure has been refused to them for not taking care of then health.

June 29, 2017

Unity Is Strength

Unity Is Strength

English Essay on "Unity Is Strength"

Unity is the state of people being woven into an individual to think, to act and to react. This harmony of thoughts and actions consolidates a family a tribe a community or a nation and puts at their hand the combined resources, power and ideas to meet ally adversary successfully. Unity is a great quality. it brings about concordance between different people for a common cause. Members of an orchestra or a team put in a grand show due to unity. In case every member of an orchestra plays his own tune the melody will take the characteristics of noise and if every member of team plays his own game the team will put in a dismal show and will lose the match.
Unity demands sacrifice. For the sake of unity one has to sacrifice ones freedom of action, freedom of speech and some other freedoms. It may demand pecuniary sacrifice, sacrifice of rights or sacrifice of property: But these sacrifices arc for a common cause which is important and momentous. Its significance makes it worth the sacrifices.
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