October 06, 2013

Auto Biography Of A School

Essay : [Auto Biography Of A School]

English Essay on "Auto Biography Of A School"

Auto Biography Of A School

I was founded nearly fifty years ago as a primary school. On the first day of my school life there were only five pupils and, one teacher to give me the name of a school. If I remember correctly, I consisted of a single classroom. I served as a classroom, as headmaster's office and also as a temporary post office building. The headmaster, who, besides looking after the school by all him, was acting postmaster, treated me as bedroom at night. There were no peons or sweepers employed to assist him. If some boys were not on hand to keep me clean, the headmaster himself became a sweeper.

But this state of affairs did not last long. The number of pupils increased fast. New rooms were yearly added to the original building and more and more teachers were posted to me. Soon the headmaster and even a few of this assistant masters' were provided with institutional quarters. Single stream classes soon became double-stream and even multi stream. The demand for education had become so great that many other primary schools came into existence in my neighborhood.

As more and more boys and girls left primary schools, the need for secondary education began to be left keenly. Be the oldest of all schools in the neighborhood. I was raised to the status of a secondary school.

As a secondary school, I flourished even faster than before. I was thoroughly renovated and greatly enlarged. Among the several additions were a library, some laboratories and an art room. The headmaster's office and the staff room, which had been building towards the end of my life as a primary school, were now considered inadequate. They had to make way for bigger and better furnished rooms. For many years after that I was the 'most impressive building in the town. My hall being the largest was usually the venue of all heavily attended social occasions. My field was often used for important football and hockey fixtures.

In 1930, I prepared the first batch of candidates for the school certificate examination. Many of those who obtained the certificate went for higher studies in abroad. Whenever they went they added luster to my name. Those who misbehaved and wasted their opportunities were, fortunately, very few.

My importance grew immensely when these 'sons' of mine returned home. They held eminent positions in the government of the land or made themselves famous in professions.(4essay.blogspot.com) In newspapers as well as in private conversations they were described as my old boys. The list of such illustrious sons of mine is long and impressive, indeed. Among them are ministers, doctors, engineers' professors and high government officers.

The eminent positions of my former pupils did not only bring me prestige, but also made me a favorite with the Government. Whenever I need an additional block of .classrooms or asked funds for any other projects. I was sure to get it.

I was perhaps the first school in my state to have a sixth form class now I have eight of them. Now my headmaster and many other teachers are my old boys. They are very faithful to me and never do anything that may damage the good name of their Alma Mater. How happy I am!

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