January 29, 2015



English Essay on "Hawkees"

There are almost as many hawkers in my town as there are shopkeepers. This may appear strange but it is a fact. Most of the hawkers sell foods and drinks. Others sell toys and other things. Every hawker has 'his own individual method of attracting the attention of his customers. Some shout in a queer way to announce their arrival. Others play upon musical instruments to attract people's attention. There are a few hawkers, however, who never shout at all. They visit various parts of the town at fixed hours and usually find their customers awaiting their arrival.
Most of the hawkers have no fixed places or hours of business. During the day time they can be found in front of large schools, beside a playground where some crowded match is in progress, or in and around the town market at its busiest hour. At night they can be seen around cinema halls and amusements parks.
On a hot afternoon, they sell ice cream and iced water, but if it begins to rain, they immediately change over to hot tea or coffee. They move from place to place and change their trade with the slightest change in the weather. Their prices, too, are subject to alternation, without notice.
Shopkeepers do not like hawkers. They spoil their business by selling at cheaper rates while the shopkeepers have to wait for their customers the hawkers themselves go to their customers. Their shops can be taken anywhere.
Small children love hawkers. Throughout the day they play in the streets in front of their houses waiting for the welcome sight of their favorite hawkers approaching them. These hawkers usually sell ice cream, boiled mangoes and other 'dainties', which are only liked by children.(4essay.blogspot.com) A hawker's cry in the distance makes the children run to their parents for money. Often it is easily come by but, sometimes, a scene has to be created before the parents are willing to part with it.
If children love hawkers, their parents equally hate them. They have to spend money not only on the things that their children like to buy, but also on the medicine that will have to be bought when they fall ill from eating them. Most of the hawker in my town keep their things properly covered and sell only fresh food. A few others, however not so hygienic, it is these hawkers that are responsible for the many diseases from which small children usually suffer. The public should refuse to buy from such hawkers and the health departments should bring them to book.

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