May 04, 2017

Life in Pakistani Village

Life in Pakistani Village

English Essay on "Life in Pakistani Village"

Pakistan is a country of villages like other countries but the villages in western countries have all the facilities available in a city while the villages in Pakistan and other Asian countries are far backward.
In Pakistan villages, in different regions, different from each other due to cultural traditional and racial differences. A village in Sindh is different from a village in Punjab or in Baluchistan but there are some features common to all.
All villages comprise of cottages or huts. The cottages are Kutchcha houses and the huts are made of straw. The streets are narrow, generally unpaved and crowded with domestic animals, hens and cocks. The houses or huts are small, built quite close to each other and unfinished.
Simple living is also a feature of all Pakistani villages. Villages are always clad in Shalwar kameez but the head dress differs from region to region. They eat simple food. They work hard from morning till evening in their fields and return overtired. They take their evening meals early and then go to the village otaqs or meeting places where they talk, discuss village problems, sing or tell stories. On occasions they dance and sing. But in different regions the dance is different. The villagers are of the whole very religious. The dirty western culture has not polluted them and the immorality and the vices imported in Pakistan in the name of western culture have not debased them.
All the villagers are generally farmers. They do not own the land and are tenants of some zamindar, vadera or sirdar. They till the soil, plough the fields and produce crops. In each village there is a carpenter to mend the plough, a smith, a cobbler, a potter and a barber. All villagers are congenial and considerate. They love each other and help each other but if they are wronged they avenge. Generally they are conservative. They do not appreciate changes so the looks of the villages has not been changed since time immemorial. Their styles of houses, dress, living and cultivation have been inherited from generation to generation without a slight change. Some villages have primary schools but generally arrangements to educate the villagers are inadequate. In every village there is a Mosque and the villagers, being very religious, attend the masjid topy. In some villages the masjids are used as maktabs and boys and girls are taught Nazra Quran. In some big villages there are middle or high schools and facilities like hospital, telephone and electricity are also available.
Much has not done so far to uplift our villagers. Arrangements for proper education should be made in earnest. Hospitals and Post offices should be established. They must be induced to adopt modern ways of cultivation and financial help must be provided to them to purchase tractors, fertilizers standard seed and to install tube wells. Electrification of villages must be made.

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