May 23, 2015

Duties of a Student

Duties of a Student

English Essay on "Duties of a Student"

An ideal student is the apple of his teachers eye, a source of great pleasure and satisfaction to his parents and guardians and an architect of his own future. During the period of studentship, he plans and prepares himself for his career. He lays the foundation stone of his future, cultivates habits and traits to make him a good citizen and develops the qualities that may ensure a happy, prosperous and successful life.
The first and the foremost duty of an ideal student is to devote a reasonable Lime to his studies daily. Learning and acquiring knowledge is the first thing required of a student but the time allotted for this must be judicious and reasonable. If he exceeds this limit it would be harmful as he would get tired and lose If he remains behind limit ho would not gain as much as is expected.
The second thing required of a student is to look after his physical side also. He must devote a reasonable time to games and sports. In olden days parents in general and teachers in particular considered indulgence of boys in games and sports as something undesirable and harmful. But to-day an educationist knows the value of games and sports and considers it necessary for physical and mental development and cultivation of habits and traits that may enable a student to lead a happy social life.
Discipline is another quality, an ideal student must possess. He must respect and obey his teachers and follow their instructions in terms of the instructions of our Holy Prophet. He is religiously bound to obey and respect his teachers and he has no option. Besides, he must respect the rules, regulations imposed upon him by his educational institution and his teachers. To observe discipline only in school, college or university is not enough. He must be disciplined in his home life, in play ground and elsewhere also.
An ideal student must help other weak students or his weak class fellows. He must try to remove their deficiencies and improve their knowledge by helping them in their studies. But he must not be proud of his knowledge and treat them as inferiors. He should not impress upon them his superiority but must real them as his equals.
An ideal student does not indulge himself in mean things like backbiting, mixing with bad characters, killing his time or quarrelling. He must cultivate the habit of being polite, courteous and in-offensive. He should take care not to offend a person physically, mentally or sentimentally, even unintentionally. He must not use abusive language or insults others to satisfy his instinct of revenge.
The last thing required of an ideal student is to take advantage of this period of studentship and try to prepare himself for the life ahead, so that he many lead a prosperous and happy life and may be prepared to encounter successfully untoward circumstances and fevers and frets of life.

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