March 09, 2015

Examination Should They Be Abolished

Examination-Should They Be Abolished

English Essay on "Examination-Should They Be Abolished"

Examinations are held to find out what amount of knowledge of one or more subjects a certain candidate possesses. Some examinations are given to determine the ability of pupils to pursue certain courses of study in future. Efficiency is certain subjects determine the fitness of candidates for some special professions.
Another use of examination is that they, in a way, compel students to work hard and prevent teachers from getting lazy.
Advancement of education among children depends largely on such matters a spirit of competition, love of reward, and fear of punishment and blame. Examinations provide all these in abundance. Success is the reward while failure brings shame and, sometimes even punishment.
Examinations help the teachers to determine the usefulness and correctness of his method of teaching and ability of his pupils to profit by it. He can also find out, by means of examination, which of his pupils are backward and require special attention.
But the critics of examination point out that they do more harm than good to pupils. Instead of giving them a broad knowledge of the things, which with benefit them after leaving school, the teachers lay emphasis only on those' subjects, which are likely to figure in examinations.
It is suggested that examinations encourage an unhealthy spirit of competition among pupils, and compel them to cram facts rather than understand them. To avoid being punished or put to shame in the event of failure, candidates resort to copying from one another. This makes them dishonest.
But the worst fault of examinations is their lack of reliability. A candidate may be sick or mentally upset on the day of an examination. The examination may' include questions which a very brilliant student may have omitted, and thus lead to his failure.( On the other hand, a dull student may do well, because he has correctly, 'spotted' some of the questions set.
Different examiners have different modes and standard of marking. Even if all papers were to be marked by the same examiner, he may, at different times of the day, or on different days, be happy, sad, angry, hungry, tired, or sleepy, and his attitude to the answers before him may change accordingly.
Some candidates do better than they are expected to do, because they are good examinees. Others, who are expected to do well, fare poorly, because they are liable to be nervous.
But examination cannot be abolished unless and until some other suitable method for determining the mental and academic abilities of candidates has been found. With all their defects and drawbacks examinations do help in the selection of candidates for various types of jobs and careers. We cannot afford to appoint anybody to a post, simply because he has stayed at a school or a college for a certain period of time. Examination may not be the surest means of testing a candidate's mental ability but so far they are the only means available.

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